Like so many caregivers, Barb Webb has been the sole caregiver to her son since he retired from the Army National Guard 13 years ago. Her son, who was wounded in combat, has undergone 68 surgeries and is now 90-percent blind.
As a caregiver, Webb has devoted her life to providing him with emotional and physical support and extensive care. She has taken the initiative to find resources that support not only her son but herself as well.
Recently, she turned to her local Caregiver and Family Resource Fair for assistance.
“There are so many resources available to us as caregivers,” Webb said. “Opportunities and events like the fair allow us to tap into all that is available.”
Caregiver and Family Resource Fairs, provided through the VA Caregiver Support Program (CSP), offer Webb and other caregivers a wealth of support, including opportunities to broaden their networks.
Caregiver Resource Fair at every VA facility
For the second year, CSP is hosting Caregiver and Family Resource Fairs at every VA facility to reach caregivers across the country, including those who live in rural areas.
Caregivers have the option to attend a fair most convenient to them, including virtually or in person, and will learn first-hand about supports available to them.
Information about resources provided by VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration, local non-profits, county agencies and other local community partners are also available.
“This is a full-time job and being a caretaker can be lonely, especially for those who live in rural communities. When I finally found my network within VA, I didn’t feel alone anymore. This is why we need events like the resource fair. We matter,” Webb said.
About the Caregiver Support Program
The mission of CSP is to promote the health and well-being of caregivers who care for our nation’s Veterans with a focus on improving the quality of life for caregivers. This, in turn, can assist in helping Veterans live to their fullest potential.
CSP accomplishes this by providing support, helping caregivers navigate the VA health care system and linking caregivers to needed resources.
If you are providing care to a loved one, it’s normal to want to be there for them and offer the best care possible. It’s also natural to feel frustrated, sad, lonely, or even angry at times.
But it’s important to recognize signs that you may be feeling overwhelmed. CSP is here to support you. You can find your local CSP Team by visiting
For more information on the Caregiver & Family Resource Fair, please contact your local Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
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