VA announced today that it plans to propose expanded disability compensation eligibility for Veterans exposed to contaminated drinking water while assigned to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.
From 1953 to 1987, water sources at the base were contaminated with industrial solvents that are correlated with certain health conditions. VA Secretary Bob McDonald decided to propose presumptions of service connection for certain conditions associated with these chemical solvents following discussions between environmental health experts at the Veterans Health Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
“The water at Camp Lejeune was a hidden hazard, and it is only years later that we know how dangerous it was,” said Secretary McDonald. “We thank ATSDR for the thorough review that provided much of the evidence we needed to fully compensate Veterans who develop one of the conditions known to be related to exposure to the compounds in the drinking water.”
ATSDR determined that the drinking water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, benzene and other petroleum contaminants from leaking storage tanks from 1953 to 1987. ATSDR also determined that prolonged exposure to these chemicals increases the risk of certain health conditions.
Based upon VA’s review of current medical science and ATSDR’s findings, Secretary McDonald intends to propose creation of a presumption of service connection for the following conditions:
- Kidney Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Leukemia
- Multiple Myeloma
- Scleroderma
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Aplastic Anemia / Myelodysplastic Syndromes
The secretary’s proposal would also expand benefits eligibility to Reserve and National Guard personnel who served at Camp Lejeune for any length of time from August 1, 1953, through Dec. 31, 1987. These personnel would be presumed to have been exposed to the contaminated water during their Reserve or National Guard service and, in appropriate circumstances, to have been disabled by such exposure during service, thus allowing them to qualify for VA benefits under the statutory definition of “Veteran.”
This would make them eligible for VA disability compensation and medical care for any of the presumptive conditions, and their surviving dependents would be eligible for dependency and indemnity compensation and burial benefits.
VA is working on regulations that would establish these presumptions, making it easier for affected Veterans to receive VA disability compensation for these conditions. While VA cannot grant any benefit claims based on the proposed presumption of service connection for these conditions until it issues its final regulations, it encourages Veterans who have a record of service at Camp Lejeune between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987, and develop a condition that they believe is related to exposure to the drinking water at the base, to file a disability compensation claim with VA.
VA will continue to grant claims for disabilities claimed to be associated with exposure to the contaminants that can be granted under current regulations and review of the evidence in each case. If a claim for service connection for one of the proposed presumptive conditions would be denied under current regulations, the denial will be stayed until VA issues its final regulations. VA will announce when the regulations are final and presumptive benefits can begin to be awarded. For more information on applying for these benefits, visit this website.
Veterans who served at Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987, are already eligible to receive VA healthcare for up to 15 health conditions. More information, including a full list of covered conditions, can be found online at this website.
Veterans can establish eligibility for healthcare benefits by submitting VA Form 10-10EZ online at, downloading it at and returning it to any VA Medical Center or Clinic, or by calling 1-877-222-VETS (8387), Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).
VA is reimbursing certain veterans’ family members for eligible out-of-pocket medical expenses related to the 15 covered conditions. More information can be found at this website.
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I am glad the VA is taking responsibility for these marines, sailors, and whoever else served there. However, how about those who served at Fort McClellan, Alabama? The EPA shut down the post (I know they say it was under BRAC) for being “The most toxic place in America” due to the chemicals and radiation in the ground, water, and air surrounding the post. The city of Anniston sued Monsanto, the government’s partner in this whole mess, and won $700 million dollars. SO VA, again what about we who served at Ft. McClellan?
Why isn’t esophageal cancer listed as presumptive yet it is on the original list and is also a rare cancer. I have seen many Lejeune vets that came down with that cancer and as most applications for service related were denied that the water had did anything. THEN WHY LIST IT AND DENY ATER THE PERSON HAS THE CANCER? This is one of the most screwed up places to apply for disability. They give you radiation ,chemo and surgery and claim it is related to the water but when you apply for disability they say no way. I’m over the 100% disability mark but in 3 years I haven’t received a solid answer except NO. I questioned the nexus letter, the VA said they need a letter from a doctor that works for the VA. They called my doctor a private doctor yet she is one of the top Oncologists for the VA in New Mexico. I guess they can’t read the letter head stating VA Medical Center. Stab me with a fork I’m done!
I wonder if those dates are accurate. I served at Lejuene from 1993-1998 with a 1 year in Okinawa (1995-1996). My family lived there most of that time. We lived in Midway Park. I worked in French Creek and at Stone bay range. In 2013 I came down with squamous cell carcinoma on my tongue. You might be saying to yourself that I might have dipped or smoked. I have never dipped nor ever even tried smoking. In fact, doctors do not have any idea how or why that I have cancer.
I was stationed at Geiger from 9/76 to 1/78. and am just hearing about all of this! why wasn’t i told?
CAMP LEJEUNE USMC Folks should look at website called (The Few,The Proud, The Forgotten) TFTPTF. It has a great CAMP LEJEUNE Timeline and lots of helpful info. with links to EPA and A.S.T.D.R. studies and CAP meetings V.A. also.
I was stationed at Camp Legeune in 1966, El Toro and Air Station in Tustin (both with soil contamination) for the rest of my tour. I developed prostate cancer and now have degenerative bone tissue. Are these covered or do I continue to lose sleep wondering if the government has forgotten me?
I got there in 88 as well, how can they definitively say i haven’t been affected? I have night sweats, migraines and a host of other issues as well as being a 60% service connected disabled veteran, which only took me 20 plus years to get and I’m still fighting to get my rating up. The struggle continues.
Wow,the home of the “Square Jungle”- All-Marine Boxing Team,member ’80 – ’82;WeWuzPoisoned!
I was stationed at Camp Lejeune in the seventies. I have kidney and liver disease. Do I qualify?
This is all very interesting because I took a veteran to Kentucky do you speak with the service officer who is extremely nice and said that only one claim Had beenpaid on the Camp LeJeune claim from the US Department of Navy and which all of those had to fill out that form to file a claim. I have repeatedly filed the claim and the claims got lost. On behalf of the Veteran the Veteran has had every type of surgery which I cannot disclose under the HIPPA and Veterans Health administration. And when a person is continuing to have surgery for their stomach: Powell hernias etc. etc. and your wife had in her first couple years after there for first son was can was conceived at camp Lejune ended up ovarian cancer and was never able To have children again The claim of the dependents at that time have never and this veteran has never been paid and just in the last 30 days once again was denied under the new fast track rating system that looks like the formula instead of doing it the old-fashioned way of adding up units of each eligibility are non-and stead of using a formula that actually subtracts the rating for disability it shows that these veterans would be at 100% rating including their children but like most of the veteran you do not have a clue when it comes to NIH or the chair of these different committees who make a determination whether they are acceptable or not and that includes the university so it goes like this from the veterans administration to NIH to the chair who usually a dean at a university in another state and they hold meetings and committees and all of this is published and no one knows about it and then there’s a nonprofit involved. And when veterans of any war are being told that they have to prove that this happened in their service records should probably take a look at all the archives and all the records base medical and hitting confidentiality and sealed one and have them open You must remember this the providers who work or contract it with the federal government is working for the federal government so you need to have an outside provider that doesn’t have to worry whether they’re going to be terminated or remove from the medical field and I can say this because I served on it I served on a federal medical board. And not one person can get it cleaned correctly done properly and they cannot add it up or the new formula methods or add a dependent which they still don’t pay for that dependent they should be ashamed of themselves and those reviewer’s and those compliance officers need to look at the United States code then I am finally speaking up because once again I have to go and file another form for how many years at this continue in justice on the highest level that even DOJ should be investigating when it comes to claims and the US department of Health and Human Services needs to recognize that the body from head to toe is all connected together not in bits and pieces so for them to say we are going to only cupboard these diseases or conditions or element or whatever is ludicrous. And to add in summary I am very familiar about the bass in Michigan I was just up there few months ago and I was also the city of Dow Chemical So for all of those who are saying something on this blog it’s time for you get in your legislators the office not calling not emailing that faxing but Letterly learning about what Congress Road in those US code and the federal registry for everyone to have knowledge you up And at this point it seems like as one judge said who is making decisions for the veterans on appeals I’m hardly getting any appeals that was told by his 81st handed to me in another city so they did nine holes and the loss of records. If you don’t read it correctly where it came from and on that last page of that signature it was done at the local office be prepared you might’ve missed the date of filing and every time we turn around the wrong forms are giving and we have to turn around and do the right forms and it’s a consistent nightmare battle and it needs to stop. I remember this there is eight in attendance out they are veterans for your spouses and for you to those who served during the times that they allow and that is separate and you get with the VA social worker and then there’s dating attendance under a claim if you’re home by now to remember each date is trained differently but if you let everyone else do everything for you also and you don’t want to learn and take time to take a look at it and learn the laws that have been provided for you all in the United States Have a good day and I hope much excess for all the veterans out there their spouses and their family members and their children and lineages of them that are veterans for generations and generations that have served in the United States and let me get this straight it is the United States of America not America the United States of America. I am doing dictation and if there’s any spelling or sentences that are quite correct it’s due to the Apple voice recognition technology and yes I should’ve come back over and read it because it’s what we doing claims they do not me not anymore.
This is all very interesting because I took a veteran to Kentucky do you speak with the service officer who is extremely nice and said that only one claim head ever been paid on the Camp LeJeune claim for the US Department of Navy and which all of those had to fill out that form to file a claim. I have repeatedly filed the claim and the claims got lost I’m behalf of the Veteran and Veteran has had every type of surgery which I cannot disclose under the HIPPA and Veterans Health administration. And when a person is continuing to have surgery for their stomach: Powell hernias etc. etc. and your wife had in her first couple years after there for first son was can was conceived at camp Lejune ended up haviarian cancer and was never able t ch that. The claim of the dependents at that time have never and this veteran has never been paid and just in the last 30 days once again was denied under the new fast track rating system that looks like the formula instead of doing it the old-fashioned way of adding up units of each eligibility are non-and stead of using a formula that actually subtracts the rating for disability it shows that these veterans would be at 100% rating including their children but like most of the veteran you do not have a clue when it comes to NIH or the chair of these different committees who make a determination whether they are acceptable or not and that includes the university so it goes like this from the veterans administration to NIH to the chair who usually a dean at a university in another state and they hold meetings and committees and all of this is published and no one knows about it and then there’s a nonprofit involved. And when veterans of any war are being told that they have to prove that this happened in their service records should probably take a look at all the archives and all the records base medical and hitting confidentiality and sealed one and have them open You must remember this the providers who work or contract it with the federal government is working for the federal government so you need to have an outside provider that doesn’t have to worry whether they’re going to be terminated or remove from the medical field and I can say this because I served on it I served on a federal medical board. And not one person can get it cleaned correctly done properly and they cannot add it up or the new formula methods or add a dependent which they still don’t pay for that dependent they should be ashamed of themselves and those reviewer’s and those compliance officers need to look at the United States code then I am finally speaking up because once again I have to go and file another form for how many years at this continue in justice on the highest level that even DOJ should be investigating when it comes to claims and the US department of Health and Human Services needs to recognize that the body from head to toe is all connected together not in bits and pieces so for them to say we are going to only cupboard these diseases or conditions or element or whatever is ludicrous. And to add in summary I am very familiar about the bass in Michigan I was just up there few months ago and I was also the city of Dow Chemical So for all of those who are saying something on this blog it’s time for you get in your legislators the office not calling not emailing that faxing but Letterly learning about what Congress Road in those US code and the federal registry for everyone to have knowledge you up And at this point it seems like as one judge said who is making decisions for the veterans on appeals I’m hardly getting any appeals that was told by his 81st handed to me in another city so they did nine holes and the loss of records. If you don’t read it correctly where it came from and on that last page of that signature it was done at the local office be prepared you might’ve missed the date of filing and every time we turn around the wrong forms are giving and we have to turn around and do the right forms and it’s a consistent nightmare battle and it needs to stop. I remember this there is eight in attendance out they are veterans for your spouses and for you to those who served during the times that they allow and that is separate and you get with the VA social worker and then there’s dating attendance under a claim if you’re home by now to remember each date is trained differently but if you let everyone else do everything for you also and you don’t want to learn and take time to take a look at it and learn the laws that have been provided for you all in the United States Have a good day and I hope much excess for all the veterans out there their spouses and their family members and their children and lineages of them that are veterans for generations and generations that have served in the United States and let me get this straight it is the United States of America not America the United States of America
Twice I have suffered from ITP which has no known cause and causes my Platelets to drop to low levels of less than 1000 (normal is 150,000). In each case, I could bleed out if cut or hit my head. I am wondering if my stay at Lejeune could be the cause of this beside neurological issues I am starting to have.
Were family members who lived at tarawa terrace 1and2 affected?????
Does that cover those Marines stationed at Camp Gieger for ITR in 1972?
What about all the AF Security Police assigned to Manzoni weapons storage area who were possibly exposed to buried nuclear waste and radioactivity from weapons and other things stored there. Numerous former SPs have developed cancers and other serious medical issues. Also what about the “Agent Orange” like chemical contamination at the closed Chanute AFB in Rantoul,Il. Air Force denies burying chemical waste in land fill that seeped in water table..The “900” area has been shown to be contaminatex with numerous cancer causing chemical agents. Yet if you got cancer later in life years after service ended.
I served with an honorable discharge full time in the USMC at Camp Lejeune during the time of 1982-1985. I now have lung trouble and am treated for asthma and get bronchitis often. Are lung problems covered and if not why?
I was stationed at Camp Lejeune during the latter part of the contamination period. Can I apply for disability benefits although I do not display any of the listed diseases? Please, advise.
I was stationed at Camp Geiger in 1961 is that considered for the same water source?
It’s as though you have to be cripple or maimed to get VA’s attention. Forget the fact you served honorably and in an region where you actually know what you were exposed to. It’s not like we were told of the hazards in the desert. I’ve had a board tell me I wasn’t exposed to anything or was around any explosives but, I distinctively remember two near miss scud attacks which I still have nightmares from but, what do I know.
How about those of us that got there in 1988? I lived in HP55 Barracks mainside and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer that spread to my lymph nodules. I don’t understand how those of us who served and resided there after 1987 aren’t eligible. Currently I’m writing my state senators and congress but only one has responded here in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) What downright disrespect.
In some locations a Veterans Organization like The American Legion, VFW, DAV, etc. can be helpful, but the quality varies a great deal from one chapter to another so shop around. Do not sign anything for anyone unless you are convinced they are the best in your area, because once you sign you are locked in for 12 months.
Educate yourself as to the actual procedures involved in making a claim. You have the right to know, and always put everything in writing. Even handwritten notes on scrap paper can become legal documents later in your appeals. Always request a written answer to your inquiries, take notes during any phone calls and get the names and job titles of the people you are talking to. Keep making meticulous notes of your own, with dates and times, again this will be admissible later on as legal documents as long as you swear to the truth, no need for witnesses, notary stamps,etc. Verbal recollections are considered hearsay and do not have legal status.
Make your claim and provide all records requested. You have the right to request copies of your military records, including health records-get them. Do not accept excuses if they claim they do not have them-get it in writing. Be prepared to be denied on your first attempt. Read the denial very carefully supply answers or dispute their responses-in writing according to the instructions-it is not necessary to have it typed, handwritten documents, letters, notes, etc. are acceptable and have legal status. Appeal every time you are denied. Keep adding new material, get.your own medical diagnosis, dispute anything you disagree with-in writing. Note the time limits and keep a calendar to remind you of deadlines.
Eventually your appeal will go to Washington DC. You may have to do a judicial review live on closed circuit TV-get a Service Officer to go with you. Service Officers can be from your local State Office of Veterans Affairs or from one of the Veteran Organizations. Be courteous and respectful at all times, do not take denials personally, keep your composure, use your brains not your mouth. Some lawyers could be helpful, but finding a good one is a crap shoot. Talk to veterans who have been through it, be patient. Sometimes your case has a better chance once it gets to Washington, away from the local warlord’s bias and incompetence. Think of it as a boxing match, losing a round is not that important, just keep fighting. Good luck and Merry Christmas everyone!
What about someone who now has diabetes?
What about the water at Parris Island, SC. was also contaminated.
Stationed Camp Geiger 10/70 – 12/70 am I included ?
For the info of all the other former US Marines (as in USMC = Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children), my wife and I have submitted claim after claim. Initially the list of diseases also included prostate problems along with cleft palate and cleft lip. I have had prostate problems for many years and our son was conceived while stationed there during ’74-’75, the worst contamination periods, yet now, after having every claim denied those listed diseases no longer are on the list. THANK YOU VERY MUCH not only the USMC but also our legislators for dropping the ball on this issue from day 1. As a former police officer I would seriously consider that no only the USMC but also our legislators who stood behind the USMC in this should all be arrested for insurance fraud, and “conspiracy to commit fraud” and sentenced to consecutive terms.
Isn’t it strange that they can spend BILLIONS on immigrants who are most likely terrorists, or the illegal immigrants who flood our borders, yet they can properly take care of their own men and women who unconditionally served and even worse. And even worse, they can’t and won’t help house or feed the thousands of homeless vets yet they have no problem spending it on “refugees”
Our legislators can easily pass their own pay raises but none for those on Social Security. I say fire them all and put in people who actually give a damn about the people who voted them in office. I would never deface or disrespect the US flag but I’ll be honest and say I won’t fly it until they clean up all of this and the immigrant situations.
We lived in TarawaTerrace in 1967 and I had a miscarriage at the Naval Hospital at camp Lejeune while living there need to file, but don’t know how.Can you please help us?
I filed a claim for water contamination at camp lejuene and my claim was denied due to the fact that I was not being treated for condition. they couldn’t have even read or reviewed my chart as I have been treated for condition for the past 20 years.
And You Actually Blieve This, right ? ha
My wife and I were at Camp Lejeune in Terawa Terrace from 1977 until 1979. I was a Hospital Corpsman serving with the marines in a medical company. She died last October from a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She was only 58.
FYI: During a timeframe after WWII “until recently” this contamination problem has come out of the closest, every military branch has and or had a major problem with disposing toxic chemicals and exposing our men and women in compromising situations. Either do it or else!
If the people on captial hill would grow a set instead of kissing babies and shaking hands, just maybe “US Veterans” would not feel that we are being thrown out with the trash.
This is just my opinion, and you all can take with a grain of salt.
I was stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1977 to 1978 in the barracks area located next to the Base Theater, and we would have been exposed to the chemicals there. I openly admit this is a logistical nightmare and with all certainty believe the burden of caring for our people stricken with illness during this period is of great importance and also believe our nation is utterly overwhelmed on how to deal with it.
The primary difficulty we as servicemen and women are experiencing involves lack of full disclosure of chemicals used or stored by our government, and an honest assement as to how our nation will truthfully and successfully confront this issue in support of Veterans and their families. At Camp Zukeran Foster 1976 to 1977, I can say with all certainty we stored a barrel of Agent Pink herbicide in our barracks… 11 years after the supposed cut-off date of the chemicals’ deployment in Vietnam. I witnessed our own Marine work details filling old metallic style hand pump sprayers which were then used to keep the vegetation back from the perimeter of our barracks. I also witnessed local civilian work personnel with backpack sprayers fill the spray tank on their back with Agent Pink from the same barrel. Subsequently, two Rainbow herbicide burial sites with up to 120 barrels each(one at Futenma Base and one at Hamby Airstrip site) leached into the water table 1/2 mile south of our barracks.
My son was born at CAMP LEJEUNE. He died in three days. never left the hospital.
they called it hylene membraine disease. premature also. are there any benefits for
this situation due to the water during the time frame?
I served USMC 62-66- camp Lejune , drank water, shower, swam, and no medical dis. all who was there should gets something, how can you not if you lived on base ? we are human and served
I was stationed at Camp Lejeune and Camp Geiger from February 1984 till 1988. Am I eligable for benefits
What happen to fort Meccellan vets,wich is not much different than , camp lejune
My daughter was born on Camp Lejeune and lived there from 1975 to 1976. Will she be covered as well as my wife.
Can someone tell me what can a former C.L water victim do. The veteran from New Jersey believed he was disillusioned at times due to the C.L. water and this caused him to become a AWOL. And now cannot receive any medical treatment at any VA Medical Facility and has “0” VA Compensation Disability benefits and hasn’t worked in 10 yrs.?
I saw one post. What about the Fort McClellan Vets? We have been fighting for years for this, and nothing.
What about those family members who have already passes on due to lukemia. She was there from 1981-1986. Passed away in 2004.
What about the dependents of Marines living on the camp during those years? They were also exposed to the same bad water.
MCAS El toro contamination?
My heart is breaking. I served, honorably at MCAS El Toro, Santa Ana, California (the base is now shut down!) as a Jet Engine Mechanic from 1978-1982. We were ALL exposed to TCE. I put in a claim to the VA and it was denied. NO EL TORO vet or civilian is able to get benefits from being exposed to the water. Shameful. Shameful.
I also was stationed at El Toro after we returned from Viet Nam in 1971 I joined a class action suit against the navy but it was canceled and went nowhere. I lived in base housing right behind the ware house where I worked delivering parts to the squadrons of Mag – 11 and later was assigned to Mag-13 doing the same job. I even witnessed the dumping and burning of chemicals in a large hole at the end of the runway looking in the direction of Saddle Back Mtn.I have developed Multiple Sclerosis a number of years ago. Was denied for MS but received a large rating for hearing loss. Go figure. How is your hearing? Do you have any problems that could possibly be from the water ?
I tried to get the VA to help with my AML, but they wouldn’t, because after the quack that diagnosed it said I would no doubt be dead t he first week of treatment, I won’t to a local hospital for treatment. T hey wouldn’t help pay for the back surgery I needed due to a land mine in VietNam either, because I wouldn’t let them operate after they told me they would “probably put me in a wheel chair immediately.” Needless to say, I don’t trust them, and they will find any excuse not to do so.ething or to help pay when they can’t do it. Anybody that thinks they’really going to get any help with or because of this add, I wish you all the luck in the world.
What about Fort McClellan vets??
Yes, I was at Camp Lejune during that period of time.
I was living at Midway Park inlisted quarters did the water effect there too.
I was stationed at Camp Geiger from November1967till January 1968. Am I eligable for benefits.
Get on the Registry with the VA
What about those who have died already? What do their survivors receive?
My dad died while we were waiting for an appointment. What does my mom get from this?
How about the thousands who served at Wurtsmith AFB MI and were exposed to the contaminated ground water from the various fuels, solvents, and cleaners? The USAF ultimately had to close the base and they gave the place to the local community as compensation as determined by the EPA.
How about the thousands who served at Wurtsmith AFB MI when the ground water was contaminated by the various solvents, cleaners, and fuel? The USAF ultimately had to close the base and give the place to the local community as compensation as determined by the EPA.
How about the thousands who served at Wurtsmith AFB MI during the time the water was contaminated various solvents, cleaners, and fuel from the flight line. The USAF ultimately closed the base and gave it to the local community as compensation as determined by EPA.
I’m happy to hear they will be compensated for whatever problems the water may have caused.
What about DOD employees who were there and now have Parkinson. There 1986